Journal articles and book chapters
Aquilué N, M De Cáceres, M-J Fortin, A Fall, L Brotons. 2017. A spatial allocation procedure to model landuse/land-cover changes: accounting for occurrence and spread processes. Ecological Modelling, 344:73-86.
Brotons L, N Aquilué, M de Cáceres, M-J Fortin, and A Fall. 2013. How fire history, fire suppression practices and climate change affect wildfire regimes in Mediterranean landscapes. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62392.
Brotons L, M De Cáceres, A Fall, and M-J Fortin. 2012. Incorporating species dispersal and landscape dynamics to the modeling of bird species distribution changes in fire prone mediterranean landscapes. Ecography, 35:458-467.
Doyon, F, BR Sturtevant, M Papaik, A Fall, B Miranda, DD Kneeshaw, C Messier, M-J Fortin, and PMA James. 2012. Assessing knowledge ambiguity in the creation of a model based on expert knowledge and comparison with the results of a landscape succession model in central Labrador. In Expert Knowledge and its Application in Landscape Ecology, Chapter 10. Perera, A.H. and Drew, C.A. and Johnson, C.J., Eds., Springer, pages 189-210.
Tittler, R, C Messier, and A Fall. 2012. Concentrating anthropogenic disturbance to balance ecological and economic values: Applications to forest management. Ecological Applications, 22(4):1268-1277.
Galpern, P, M Manseau, and A Fall. 2011. Patch-based graphs of landscape connectivity: A guide to construction, analysis and application for conservation. Biological Conservation 144:44-55.
James, P, M-J Fortin, B Sturtevant, A Fall, D Kneeshaw. 2011. Modelling spatial interactions among fire, spruce budworm, and logging in the boreal forest. Ecosystems 14:60-75.
Rayfield, B, M-F Fortin and A Fall. 2011. Connectivity for conservation: A framework to classify network measures. Ecology 92:847-858.
Coté, P, R Tittler, C Messier, DD Kneeshaw, A Fall and M-F Fortin. 2010. Comparing different forest zoning options for landscape-scale management of the boreal forest: Possible benefits of the TRIAD. Forest Ecology and Management. 259(3):418-427
Papaik, M, A Fall, B Sturtevant, D Kneeshaw, C Messier, M-F Fortin and N Simon. 2010. Forest processes from stands to landscapes: Exploring model forecast uncertainties using cross-scale model comparison. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40:2345-2359.
Rayfield, B, M-F Fortin and A Fall. 2010. The sensitivity of least-cost habitat graphs to relative cost surface values. Landscape Ecology 25(4):519-532.
Reunannen, P, A Fall, A Nikula. 2010. Biodiversity and ecological forest-cover domains in boreal landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 19(3):665-678.
Shore, TL, A Fall, WG Riel, J Hughes and M Eng. 2010. Methods to assess landscape scale risk of bark beetle infestation to support forest
management decisions. In Advances in threat assessment and their application to forest and rangeland management,
Pye, J M, H M Rauscher, Y Sands, D C Lee and J S Jerome (Eds). US Forest Service general technical report, Volume 1,
PNW-GTR-802, Portland OR. 246p.
Rayfield, B, P James, A Fall and M-J Fortin. 2008. Comparing static versus dynamic protected areas in the Québec boreal forest. Biological Conservation 141:438-449.
Belleau, A, Y Bergeron, A Leduc, S Gauthier, and A Fall. 2007. Using spatially explicit simulations to explore size distribution and spacing of regeneration areas produced by wildfires: recommendations for designing harvest agglomerations for the Canadian boreal forest. Forestry Chronicle 83(1):72-83.
Didion M, M-J Fortin and A Fall. 2007. Forest age structure as indicator of boreal forest sustainability under alternative management and fire regimes: A landscape level
sensitivity analysis. Ecological Modelling 200(1-2): 45-58.
Fall A. 2007. Landscape-scale forest management and the Mountain Pine Beetle. Canadian Silviculture. February 2007 issue. Online at [last accessed: March 2007].
Fall, A, M-J Fortin, M Manseau, and D O'Brien. 2007. Spatial graphs: principles and applications for habitat connectivity. Ecosystems. 10: 448-461.
James, PMA, M-J Fortin, A Fall, D Kneeshaw and C Messier. 2007. The effects of spatial legacies following shifting management practices and fire on boreal forest age structure. Ecosystems 10(8):1261-1277.
Sturtevant, B, A Fall, D Kneeshaw, N Simon, M Papaik, K Berninger, F Doyon, D Morgan and C Messier. 2007. A toolkit modeling approach for sustainable forest management planning: achieving balance between science and local needs. Ecology and Society. 12(2) article 7.
Gustafson, EJ, BR Sturtevant , and A Fall. 2006. A collaborative, iterative approach to transfer modeling technology to land managers. In Perera, AH, LJ Buse, and TR Crow (eds). Forest Landscape Ecology: Transferring Knowledge into Practice. Springer.
O'Brien, DT, M Manseau, A Fall, and M-J Fortin. 2006. Testing the importance of spatial configuration of winter habitat for woodland caribou: an application of graph theory. Biological Conservation 130:70-83.
Schoennagel, T, MG Turner, DM Kashian, and A Fall. 2006. Influence of fire regimes on lodgepole pine stand age and density across the Yellowstone National Park (USA) landscape. Landscape Ecology 21:1281-1296.
Shore, TL, WG Riel, L Safranyik, and A Fall. 2006. Decision support systems. In: Safranyik, L, and WR Wilson (eds.). The mountain pine beetle: A synthesis of biology, management, and impacts on lodgepole pine. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, British Columbia.193-230.
James, P, B Rayfield, M-J Fortin, A Fall, and G Farley. 2005. Reserve network design combining spatial graph theory and species' spatial requirements. Geomatica 59(3):323-333.
DeLong, SC, A Fall, and GD Sutherland. 2004. Estimating the impacts of harvest distribution on road building and snag abundance. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.34(2):323-331.
Fall, A, M-J Fortin, DD Kneeshaw, SH Yamasaki, C Messier, L Bouthillier, and C Smyth. 2004. Consequences of various landscape-scale ecosystem management strategies and fire cycles on age-class structure and annual harvest target. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34(2):310-322.
Fall, A, TL Shore, L Safranyik, WG Riel, and D Sachs. 2004. Integrating landscape-scale mountain pine beetle projection and spatial harvesting models to assess management strategies. In: Shore, TL, JE Brooks, and JE Stone, (eds.). Mountain Pine Beetle Symposium: Challenges and Solutions, October 30-31, 2003, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, British Columbia, Information Report BC-X-399.
Riel, WG, A Fall, TL Shore, and L Safranyik. 2004. A spatio-temporal simulation of mountain pine beetle impacts on the landscape. In: Shore,TL, JE Brooks and JE Stone (eds.). Mountain Pine Beetle Symposium: Challenges and Solutions, Oct. 30-31, 2003 Kelowna, BC, Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Information Report BC-X-399, 106-113.
Sutherland, GD, M Eng, and A Fall. 2004. Effects of uncertainties about stand-replacing natural disturbances on forest management projections. British Columbia Journal of Ecosystems and Management 4(2). Online at HYPERLINK ""
Burnett, C, A Fall, E Tomppo and R Kalliola. 2003. Monitoring current status of and trends in boreal forest land-use in Russian Karelia.
Conservation Ecology 7(2):8 [online] .
Fall, A, D Daust, and D Morgan. 2001. A framework and software tool to support collaborative landscape analysis: fitting square pegs into square holes. Transactions in GIS 5(1): 67-86. Special issue of selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Modeling, Banff, Alberta, 2000.
Fall, A, and J Fall. 2001. A domain-specific language for models of landscape dynamics. Ecological Modelling 141(1-3): 1-18.
Bound collectons and other publications
Riel, WG, C Burnett and A Fall. 2011. Impacts of climate change on mountain pine beetle habitat connectivity in western Canada. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, BC. Mountain Pine Beetle Working Paper 2010-04. Online at
Fall, A, B Sturtevant, M-F Fortin, M Papaik, F Doyon, D Morgan, K Berninger, and C Messier. 2010. A practical approach for comparing management strategies in complex forest ecosystems using meta-modelling toolkits. Research Note Series No. 56, Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Available online at
Fall, A, TL Shore, and B Riel. 2007. Dawson Creek mountain pine beetle spread analysis: application of the SELES-MPB landscape-scale mountain pine beetle model. Canadian Forest Service, Mountain Pine Beetle Initiative working paper 2006-18. ISBN 0-662-44609-7.
Sutherland, GD, DT O'Brien, A Fall, FL Waterhouse AS Harestad and JB Buchanan (eds.). 2007. A framework to support landscape analyses of habitat supply and effects on populations of forest-dwelling species: a case study based on the Northern Spotted Owl. British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range Technical Report 038. ISBN 978-0-7726-5677-3.
Eng, M, A Fall, J Hughes, TL Shore, WG Riel, P Hall, and A Walton. 2005. Provincial-level projection of the current mountain pine beetle outbreak: an overview of the model (BCMPB v2) and results of year 2 of the project. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, B.C. Mountain Pine Beetle Initiative Working Paper 2005-20. 54 p.
Fortin, M-J, A Fall, and M Didion. 2002. Intégration de la problématique des feux dans la planification forestière. Pp.73-75. Actes du colloque L'aménagement forestier et le feu, Chicoutimi (Québec). Ministère des ressources naturelles du Québec.
Manseau, M, A Fall, D O'Brien, and M-J Fortin. 2002. National parks and the protection of woodland caribou: a multi-scale landscape analysis method. Research Links, 10(2): 24-28.
Conference papers
Burnett, C., Fall, A., and Kalliola, R. 2000. Boreal Forest Land-use Monitoring and Modeling: A Case Study from Russian Karelia. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Modeling, Parks, B.O., Clarke K.M., and Crane M.P. (Eds.). University of Colorado, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science, Boulder, CO. (www and CD).
Fall, A. and Fall, J. 1998. Beauty and the Beast: Separating Syntax from Semantics for Models of Landscape Dynamics. Modelling of Complex Systems Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Fall, A. and Fall, J. 1996. SELES: A Spatially Explicit Landscape Event Simulator. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Modeling. Santa Fe, New Mexico. Proceedings also available on CD-ROM and the Internet at:
Conference presentations (abstracts published)
Fall, A. 2007. Multi-scale cross-cultural resource modelling. Forest Estate Models for the Future. June 12-14, 2007. Victoria, B.C. Abstracts available at
Fall A. 2007. Implementation of a fine-scale spatially explicit forest management/deadwood matrix model. North American Forest Ecology Workshop (NAFEW). June 18-2, 2007, Vancouver B.C., Canada.
Fall, A. 2005. Alternate pathways: using spatial graphs for cross-scale corridor analysis. Special session at Ecological Society of America, International Ecological Society (ESA-INTECOL) conference, Montreal, August 9, 2005. Presentations available at
Fall, A, T Shore, B Riel and L Safranyik. 2005. Pipelining stand dynamics to a landscape context: from stand-level Mountain Pine Beetle populations to broad scale epidemics. North American Forest Ecology Workshop (NAFEW). June 12-16, 2005, Aylmer, Québec, Canada.
Fall, A, M Manseau, D O'Brien, and M-J Fortin. 2003. Multi-scale landscape analysis for assessing connectivity of Woodland Caribou Habitat. 18th Annual Symposium of the U.S. International Association of Landscape Ecology. Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Sutherland, G, M Eng, and A Fall. 2003. Natural Disturbance Scenarios and Uncertainty in Forest Management Projections. 18th Annual Symposium of the U.S. International Association of Landscape Ecology. Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Delong, C, A Fall, and G Sutherland. 2002. Estimating the impact of harvest distribution on roads, stream crossings and snags. 4th International Workshop in Disturbance Dynamics in Boreal Forests. University of Northern B.C., Prince George, B.C., Canada.
Fortin, M-J, A Fall, DD Kneeshaw, SH Yamasaki, and C Messier. 2002. Landscape modelling of forest dynamics and management for the evaluation of indicators in SELES. 4th International Workshop in Disturbance Dynamics in Boreal Forests. University of Northern B.C., Prince George, B.C., Canada.
Fortin, M-J, A Fall, and M Didion. 2002. Intégration de la problématique des feux dans la planification forestière. Actes du colloque L'aménagement forestier et le feu, Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada. Ministère des ressources naturelles du Québec.
Fortin, M-J, S Payette, and A Fall. 2002. Deforestation in Québec northern boreal forest due to fire regime. 4th International Workshop in Disturbance Dynamics in Boreal Forests. University of Northern B.C., Prince George, B.C., Canada.
Fall, A, M-J Fortin, SH Yamasaki, DD Kneeshaw, C Messier, and L Bouthillier. 2001 Development of a landscape model to assess forest management options in the Mauricie region of Québec. Conference on Forest Modelling for Ecosystem Management, Forest Certification, and Sustainable Management. Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Fall, A., Fortin, M.J., Yamasaki, S.H., Kneeshaw D.D., Messier, C. and Bouthillier, L. 2001 Assessing boreal forest management alternatives using landscape simulation: a case study in the Mauricie region of Québec, Canada. International Conference on Ecosystem Management in Boreal Forest Landscapes. Koli, Finland.
Burnett, C, A Fall, R Kalliola, and Y Martens. 2000. Comparative analysis of boreal landscape processes using SELES: Russian Versus Finnish Karelias. 3rd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Helsinki/Espoo, Finland.
Fall, A. 1999. Towards a Language for General Fire Modelling. Landscape Fire Modeling Workshop. Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, B.C.
Fall, A. 1999. Bridging the gap from conceptual landscape models to computer simulation. Ecological Society of America Conference, Spokane, WA, USA.
Fall, A. 1998. Simulating and visualizing forest landscape dynamics as an aid to management. Landscape Management of Pacific Northwest Forests Workshop: Exploring Practical Tools for Managers. Olympia, Washington, USA. Also presented at the Annual Disturbance Meeting, Prince George, B.C., Canada.
Fall, A, J Fall, and K Lertzman. 1997. Spatially explicit landscape simulation for biodiversity conservation and land-use planning. 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Fall, A and J Fall. 1996. A hierarchical organization of neutral landscape models. International Association of Landscape Ecology Symposium. Galveston, Texas, USA.
Burnett, C., Fall, A., Tomppo, E. and Kalliola, R. 2001. Boreal Forest Fragmentation Monitoring and Modeling. . International Conference on Ecosystem Management in Boreal Forest Landscapes. Koli, Finland.
Didion, M, M-J Fortin, and A Fall. 2002. Improving Forest Management Decisions by Modeling Landscape Disturbance Impacts on Forest Spatial Dynamics. 2002. IUFRO Conference on Mountain Forests: Conservation and Management. Vernon, B.C., Canada.
Farley, G., Drapeau, P., Fortin, M.-J., and Fall, A. 2002. Spatial Configuration Habitat Requirements of Wildlife as Indicator of Sustainable Management in Boreal Forests. 4th International Workshop in Disturbance Dynamics in Boreal Forests. University of Northern B.C., Prince George, B.C.
Yamasaki SH, DD Kneeshaw, C Messier, M-J Fortin, and A Fall. 2000. Ecological forestry for the boreal forests of Québec: a proposal for sustainable forest management (SFM) inspired by natural disturbances. Streamlining Local-level information. Sustainable Forest Management Workshop, Forest Sciences Centre. University of British Columbia, B.C., Canada.
Morgan, D., Fall, A., and Eng, M.1999. Integrating Natural Disturbance into Resource Management. Science to Management Forum for Southern Interior Ecosystems. Kamloops, B.C.
Technical reports
Fall A and D Morgan. 2023. TEF Model (Time-base empirical fire model): description and preliminary assessment in Lakes TSA. Report to University of Northern BC.
Fall, A. 2023 STSM v2022 (SELES Spatial Timber Supply Model). User documentation. 202pp. Included in download.
Fall, A. 2023. Kispiox Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Review: a risk tranche assessment of Western Balsam Bark Beetle disturbance. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests.
Morgan, D and A Fall. 2022. Skeena Watershed Grizzly Bear Temporal Risk Model. Report to the Bulkley Valley Research Centre.
Fall, A and D Morgan. 2022. A cumulative effects modelling toolkit for the Skeena-Nass watersheds area of northwestern BC. Report to the Bulkley Valley Research Centre.
Fall, A. 2022. Great Bear Rainforest Land-Use Order: 2021 Analysis Update Memo 7: Timber supply assessment of potential LUO changes to grizzly habitat, Kermode bear stewardship areas, red & blue-listed ecosystems and aquatic habitat. Report to the Great Bear Rainforest Government to Government working group.
Fall, A. 2022. Great Bear Rainforest Land-Use Order: 2021 Analysis Update Memo 1: Timber supply and carbon offset potential based on updated spatial information. Report to the Great Bear Rainforest Government to Government working group.
Fall, A. 2021 SELES v10 (Spatially Explicit Landscape Event Simulator). User documentation. 137pp. Inluded in download.
Fall, A. 2021. Spatial Timber Supply Model (STSM2020): Morice TSA timber supply analysis: TSR4 benchmark and 2016 land-use order assessment. Report to Bulkley Valley Research Centre.
Fall, A. and K Izzard. 2020. Timber supply as risk assessment: a risk tranche assessment in the Mackenzie Timber Supply Area. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.
Fall A. 2020. Applying climate refugia in conservation planning and assessment in BC: proof of concept in the Skeena and Nass water basins. Report to Ecosystems Branch, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.
Fall, A. 2019. SELES Spatial Timber Supply Model (STSM): Assessing timber supply risk. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.
Fall, A. 2019. SELES Spatial Timber Supply Model (STSM): Assessing potential effects of climate change on natural disturbance and timber supply: an experiment in Morice timber supply area. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.
Fall, A. 2019. SELES Spatial Timber Supply Model (STSM): Parameterizing landscape-scale natural disturbance. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.
Fall, A. 2019. Haida Gwaii Timber Supply Analysis Memo 3.1 Modelling and Assessing Operational Road Costs and Stand Values. Report to the Haida Gwaii Timber Supply Review Technical Working Group.
Fall, A. 2018. Climate change, natural disturbance and timber supply analysis: expanding the timber supply analysis toolkit: methods and application in Morice TSA. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
Fall, A. 2017. Haida Gwaii Timber Supply Analysis Memo 2 Analysis of Type I and II Fish Habitat for TSR. Report to the Haida Gwaii Timber Supply Review Technical Working Group.
Fall, A., D Morgan and C Fletcher. 2016. Wildlife, climate change and timber supply analysis: expanding the timber supply analysis toolkit: methods and application in Morice TSA. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
Fall, A, D Steventon and D Morgan. 2015. Incorporating wildlife habitat policies into timber supply analysis in Morice TSA: marten management and territory constraints. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Fall, A. 2015. Central-North Coast and South-Central Coast (Great Bear Rainforest) Land-Use Order Review Analysis: comparting timber supply and carbon offset potential of current land-use orders with proposed JSP scenario. Report to Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations.
Fall, A and D Morgan. 2014. Incorporating wildlife habitat policies into timber supply analysis in Morice TSA: grizzly bear management and road density constraints. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Fall, A and D Morgan. 2014. Incorporating wildlife habitat policies into timber supply analysis in Morice TSA: moose management and watershed access constraints. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Fall, A and D Morgan. 2014. A cumulative effects toolkit adapted to the Upper Morice River area of northwestern BC. Report to Bulkley Valley Centre and BC Ministry of Environment. 47pp.
Fall, A. 2014. Assessing Carbon Offset Potential of Land-Use Plans in North and Central Coastal BC. Report to Nanwakolas Council of First Nations.
Fall, A and D Morgan. 2013, An integrated, flexible toolkit approach to cumulative effects assessment: Northwest Cumulative Effects Pilot Project. Report to Bulkley Valley Centre and BC Ministry of Environment on Upper Nass/Iskut-Stikine area of northern BC. 48pp.
Fall, A. 2011. Linking spatial timber supply analysis and carbon budget modelling: methods developed for coastal BC. Report for Great Bear Rainforest carbon project.
Fall, A, J Sunde and N Reynolds. 2009. Haida Gwaii Detailed Strategic Planning Decision-Support: Analysis of 2008 Strategic Land-Use Objectives. Report to BC Integrated Land Management Bureau and Council of Haida Nation.
Fall A. 2009. Coastal Detailed Strategic Planning Decision-Support. Report 24 Analysis of Revised Strategic Land-Use Objectives. Report to BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations.
Fall, A. 2007. SELES spatial timber supply model. Timber supply analysis methods. Report to Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range.
Fall A, 2007. Coastal Detailed Strategic Planning decision-support. Report 5: Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'wx Territory Baseline Analysis. Report to B.C. Integrated Land Management Bureau.
Fall A and D Crockford. 2006. Coastal Detailed Strategic Planning decision-support. Report 1: DSP Spatial Analysis Framework. Report to B.C. Integrated Land Management Bureau.
Fall, A. and L Bolster. 2006 North Coast Land Use Plan. Government-to-government initial general management objectives . Timber supply analysis. Report to B.C. Integrated Land Management Bureau.
Fall, A. 2006 Morice LRMP: Government to Government Plan Analysis. Report to the Morice LRMP Government Technical Team.
Fall, A. 2006. Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands LUP Timber Supply Analysis: Analysis of Option Scenarios. Report to Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
Fall, A, D O'Brien, D Williams and M Buell. 2005. Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands LUP Timber Supply Analysis: Detailed Analysis of Option Scenarios. Report to BC Integrated Land Management Bureau and Ministry of Forests and Range.
Fall, A, D O'Brien, D Williams and M Buell. 2005. Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands LUP Timber Supply Analysis: Analysis of Scenarios for Ecosystem-Based Management. Report to Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
Fall, A, D O'Brien, D Williams and M Buell. 2005. Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands LUP Timber Supply Analysis: Analysis of Scenarios. Report to Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
Fall, A. 2004 Morice LRMP: Final Plan Analysis. Report to the Morice LRMP Government Technical Team.
Cortex Consultants and Gowlland Technologies Ltd. 2004. Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands LUP Timber Supply Analysis: Analysis of Base Cases. Report to Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
Fall, A, D Morgan, D, L Bolster, and A Edie. 2003. Morice Landscape Model. Report to the Morice Land and Resource Management Planning Process, B.C. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
Fall, A, D Sachs, T Shore, L Safranyik, and B Riel. 2003. Application of the MPB/SELES landscape-scale Mountain Pine Beetle model in the Morice Timber Supply Area. Report to Forest Practices Branch, B.C. Ministry of Forests.
Fall, A. 2003. Omineca Northern Caribou Project: harvest schedule and disturbance models for the Wolverine Caribou Herd area. Report to Slocan Forest Products Ltd.
Fall, A. 2003. SELES Spatial Timber Supply Model. Report to Timber Supply Branch, B.C. Ministry of Forests.
Morgan, D, D Daust, and A Fall. 2002. North Coast landscape model. Report to the North Coast Land and Resource Management Planning Process, B.C. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
Fall, A, D Sachs, T Shore, L Safranyik, and B Riel. 2002. Application of the MPB/SELES landscape-scale Mountain Pine Beetle model in the Lakes Timber Supply Area. Report to Forest Practices Branch, B.C. Ministry of Forests.
Fall, A, D Sachs, T Shore, L Safranyik, and B Riel. 2002. Application of the MPB/SELES Landscape-Scale Mountain Pine Beetle Model in the Lignum IFPA. Report to Lignum Ltd.
Fall, A and B Beasley. 2002. Assessing landscape connectivity in the Kennedy Flats. Report to the Long Beach Model Forest Society.
Fall, A, M Eng, and G Sutherland. 2001. Modeling and assessing effects of disturbances on timber supply in the Robson Valley TSA. Report to the Robson Valley Enhanced Forest Management Pilot Project, B.C. Ministry of Forests.
Fall, A, M Eng, T Shore, L Safranyik, B Riel, and D Sachs. 2001. Mountain Pine Beetle audit project: Kamloops Forest District landscape model. Report to Forest Practices Branch, B.C. Ministry of Forests.
Fall, A. 2001. Assessing critical scales of late seral forest connectivity in the Northern Columbia Mountains. Report to Parks Canada.
Fall, A., Steventon, D., and Morgan D. 2000 Description of the Morice Forest District Landscape Unit Disturbance and Statistics Model. B.C. Ministry of Forests Report.
Fall, A, D Daust, and D Morgan. 2000. Simulated effects of forest management options on timber and caribou habitat in the Northern Columbia Mountains. Report to Research Branch, B.C. Ministry of Forests.
Fall, A. 2000. Blackwater/Birkenhead Ecosystem Management Project Landscape Fire Model Description. B.C. Ministry of Forests Report.
Fall, A. 2000. Mountain Pine Beetle Landscape Models in SELES. Report to the Canadian Forest Service.
Daust, D., Fall, A., and Morgan, D. 2000. Description of the Lakes District Model. B.C. Ministry of Forests Report.
Morgan, D. and Fall, A. 1999. Description of the Invermere Landscape Model. B.C. Ministry of Forests Report. B.C. Ministry of Forests Report
Fall, A. 1999. Incorporating spatial natural disturbance into timber supply modelling. Report to the B.C. Min. of Forests.